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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.


Equipment Information

Each player will need the following at every practice and game: 

-        Ball: Size 3 - U5, U6 U8,

-        Ball: Size4 - U10 and U12

-        Ball:  Size 5 - U14, U16 and U19

-        Shin guards.

-        Water bottle.

-        Cleats:  recommended but not required, tennis or running shoes are allowed.  Baseball/football/softball cleats are not allowed 

AYSO follows these six philosophies:
Everyone Plays, Balanced Teams, Open Registration, Positive Coaching, Good Sportsmanship, and Player Development.  

Online Registration

Parents and volunteers sign up online.

  • AYSO's online registration tool can be found by clicking on the link "Register Now" at the top of this page.
  • Parents/volunteers only have to do this once.  If you choose to save a user name and password, next season it will take you less than 1 minute to sign up again!
  • You can print the needed copies of your own forms on the spot. (Special software is not needed to print.) Or the region can arrange to print for them.
  • No handwriting to decipher! Fewer data errors! All info is up to date!
  • Required personal identifying information (SSN, DL #, etc.) is encrypted on entry and much more secure than using paper forms.

Contact Us

AYSO Region 980 / Zion United

2400 Dowie Memorial Dr. 
Zion, Illinois 60099

Email Us:

Phone: 847-445-8222